Our Mission: To properly serve the citizens in the collection of taxes and rates by enhancing the overall professional development of Tax Collectors in the Province of Nova Scotia.

About Us
Our History
Our Association got off the ground in October 1978 when Bernie White, former Town of New Waterford tax collector, decided to call a group of tax collectors from Cape Breton Island together at a meeting in New Waterford.
These meetings progressed and with the help of Municipal Affairs training and development staff, Clair Ettinger, Helena White and Caroline Stewart, the tax collectors from across the Province of Nova Scotia began meeting at a central location twice yearly, Spring and Fall. The association was open to all front line people, Clerks, Deputy Clerks, Tax Collectors and Financial Clerks. These people came together to exchange ideas, educate and help improve the services offered by the frontline people of each Municipality.
In November 1988, the Association of Municipal Tax Collectors became a registered Association with the Registry of Joint Stocks and as funding from Municipal Affairs began to decrease we started to go on our own. The twice a year meetings became an annual conference.
Our Association divided the Province into four Regions. Region 1 is the Western end of the province, Region 2 is Central and the Valley area, Region 3 is Highland Fundy to Amherst and Region 4 consists of Cape Breton Island. Each Region has an elected Director who holds meetings with the collectors in his or her Region and brings these concerns to the executive meetings and from there our Fall Conference agenda is created.
Our goal as an executive is to professionalize Municipal Tax Collection and Tax Administration in Nova Scotia.
Customer service is a critical aspect of any successful Municipality. All municipalities recognize the significant benefits of citizen friendly service and improving this service can lead to cost reductions, enhanced delivery of information and earning the trust of rate payers through a more responsive organization.
Some topics for our conferences have included; relationship of assessment to taxes, municipal revenues, new tax rules and policies (Municipal Government Act), assessment changes, business occupancy, tax sales, methods of enforcing tax collection and the list goes on.
So you see, our Association tries to educate its members and serve the municipalities that they represent with integrity.
The Association welcomes all Municipal employees to attend our fall conference and workshops to experience what AMTC can do for you.